Review and Modify the Database Settings

  1. Contact your database administrator (DBA).
  2. Verify that the database configuration file for the Oracle Argus Insight database defines the following database parameter values:

      Value of parameter GLOBAL_NAMES must be same in Oracle Argus Safety and Oracle Argus Insight (either TRUE for both or FALSE for both).

      If GLOBAL_NAMES is set to TRUE, the Database Name reflected in the table GLOBAL_NAME, must have the same domain for both Oracle Argus Safety and Oracle Argus Insight databases (like,

    • TNS Name for Oracle Argus Safety Database must be present in the Oracle Argus Insight Database Server (and vise-versa) > tnsnames.ora file at the following path: ...\network\admin\tnsnames.ora

  3. Restart the database instance to reflect the changes.