Run Additional Grant Scripts for Single DB Instance

If Oracle Argus Insight and Oracle Argus Mart are running on the same database, provide additional grants for this database instance.

  1. Navigate to Argus Release Media\Database\Argus Insight\Utilities\ am_grants.
    • For Windows—execute the batch script am_grants.bat
    • For Linux—execute the shell script am_grants
  2. When prompted, enter the following parameters:
    • Enter the TNS name to connect to SDM database: <Oracle Argus Insight Database Instance name>
    • Enter the name of dba user in Oracle Argus Insight Database: <DBA user of Oracle Argus Insight Database>
    • Enter Password for User install user: <DBA user password>
  3. Press Exit when a status message appears as:

    Execution of grants from Insight to Mart User and Mart App User completed

  4. Verify the log files for status from:

    Argus Release Media\Database\Argus Insight\DBInstaller\Utilities\am_grants\AM_GRANTS_ MMDDYYYY_HH24MISS.log


After execution of the utility, Oracle Argus Insight schema validation file will reflect additional privileges.