Use the Copy Configuration Tool

  1. Export the source database by running the batch file and following the prompts:


  2. Copy ArgusSecureKey.ini (working with source database) from the .\Windows folder, and save it with generated source database file.

    In case you do not have ArgusSecureKey.ini, follow the steps listed in the Reset the Environment if ArgusSecureKey.ini is Lost.

  3. Move the dump files generated on the source Database Server (physical path provided while performing the export) to the target Database Server (physical path where import will be done).
  4. To perform the import on the client machine, in the Directory Path on DB Server where dump files are placed for import parameter, use the same folder as entered in the DB Directory Path for export dump files while executing the export process for logs.

    Or move the contents of the export logs folder provided to the Directory including full path for log/script files parameter while executing the export process, in the folder being used for the import process for log generation.

  5. Create a new database (with or without TDE enabled) using the dbinstallerUI.bat or dbinstaller.bat file.
  6. Import into the target database by running the batch file, and follow the prompts:


    Ignore any "ORA-28101: policy already exists" errors.

  7. Validate Schema on the target database executing the SchemaValidation.bat file.
  8. Copy ArgusSecureKey.ini from the source database folder and paste it in the .\Windows folder of application server(s) which are intended to be used with the target database.