Use Export and Import to Copy Configuration Data

Before configuring export and import functions, be aware of the following:

  • Before importing or exporting to or from a network drive, verify that you have mapped the network drive. This tool does not support direct access to network drives.
  • Before copying Oracle Argus Safety Data, incremental ETL should be completed on Source Insight Database from Source Argus.
  • It is assumed that the configuration of the instance of Oracle Argus Safety used to run Initial and Incremental ETL on the source Oracle Argus Insight data mart will also be copied and applied on the new Argus Instance which will be associated with the new Oracle Argus Insight data mart.
  • Data must be imported after loading Factory Data and before running Initial ETL on destination environment.
  • In a multi-tenant environment, you must make sure that all the enterprises which are part of the source Oracle Argus Insight database, have been created in the Target Oracle Argus Insight database.

For more information, see: