Worklist Intake Flow

When an XML file is dropped in the IN folder of the configured Intake folder, Oracle Argus Safety picks up the file and does an initial verification. If there are any attachments specified in the XML, they and the XML are moved to a GUID-created subfolder of the Intermediate folder. All the relevant data is extracted from the XML and stored in the database. During the parsing and extraction, if there are any errors, the unique folder and its associated XML and file attachments are moved to Failures folder. A file called Error.xml will be generated in that folder which contains more information about the failure. If an e-mail address is configured in Intake.config, an e-mail is also generated and processed via AGService.

Worklists for intake are based on user site. They are populated based on either the path in which the initial file was dropped (as per the configuration in Argus Console the path is associated to a specific user site) or by the value of the SITE node contained within the XML itself. If there is a conflict, the SITE node value takes precedence.

The Intake records that are absorbed into Oracle Argus Safety are visible to the Oracle Argus Safety User in Worklist Intake screen in Oracle Argus Safety or in afOracle Argus Affiliate. The Oracle Argus Safety user can do one of two operations on the Intake record.

  1. Accept—When the user accepts an Intake, the case form book-in screen is shown which will contain information and attachments pre-populated from the Intake record.
    • If user books in a case, a response is generated which contains the case ID and case number. The attachment details and response XML are placed in the Out folder.
    • If user adds a follow up to an existing case, a similar response is generated as above and the response XML is placed in the OUT folder.
  2. Reject—When the user rejects an Intake record, a response is generated which contains the Rejection Reason and the attachment details. This response XML is placed in the OUT folder.

Similarly, an Oracle Argus Affiliate user can create a local event from an Intake record from within Oracle Argus Affiliate. The flow is similar to that mentioned above with the exception that the response XML would contain the Local Event Number instead of the case number.