Reporter information display in codelist with large number of institutions associated (Enhancement 19362177)

In Japan, pharma companies use the Ultmarc dictionary for Reporter and Institution data. This dictionary contains a large number of Reporter and Institution information. Oracle Argus Safety is enhanced such that Codelist > Reporter Information can display a large number of records, with optimal processing performance.

There are improvements made in the Oracle Argus Safety application to handle large number of records, listed below:
  1. In the top section of the Reporter Information page, only one Institution name is be displayed.
  2. If the reporter is associated with multiple institutions, a (+) symbol is displayed next to the Institution name to depict that there are multiple institutions associated.
  3. Searching based on Institution value using Filter continues to work as before, all reporters associated with that institution are retrieved even though only the first institution name is displayed for the reporter in the top section.
  4. In the bottom section of the Reporter Information page, all the institutions associated with the selected reporter are displayed sorted in alphabetical order in the text box (instead of drop down). The same updates are applicable for the Reporter Information > J data entry screen also when logged in as Argus J user.
  5. To add a new institution, click on the Add button to open a window with a search box to search based on Institution name.
  6. Click the Delete button to delete the selected institution.
  7. The Print button shows 2 options: Current Selection, and Print All.
    1. The Current Selection option prints only the selected reporter record.
    2. The Print All option prints all the reporter records displayed based on the filter criteria.
    3. It is recommended to use the Print all option along with the filter. If there are a lot of reporter records, then Print all could take many hours to process, depending on the data.


The application works as expected on navigating to Argus Console > Code Lists > Reporter Information, even when there are large number of active reporters, as well as institutions.