7 Configure Combination Product in Flexible Re-categorization Codelists

Flexible re-categorization codelist is enhanced to include a new COMBO_PRODUCT_RELATIONSHIP codelist for maintaining list of combination products that are marketed in US.
  1. Click Code lists > Flexible Data re-categorization > Flexible re-categorization > COMBO_PRODUCT_RELATIONSHIP.
  2. Use the Add New button to enter the information for the combination products.


    Flexible re-categorization codelist does not validate the correctness of the Product Name, License name and Country of authorization, it is required to enter the below information by copying respective data from the Product and License configuration screen.
    Column Name Recommended Data Length Comments
    PMOA_PROD_NAME 250 Enter the Primary mode of action product’s Product Name (not Trade Name) as Configured in Business Configuration > Product a and Licenses
    PMOA_LIC_NUMBER 40 Enter the primary mode of action product’s license number
    PMOA_COUNTRY 50 Enter the primary mode of action product’s Authorization Country
    CONS_PROD_NAME 250 Enter the constituent product’s Product Name (not Trade Name) as Configured in Business Configuration > Product and Licenses
    CONS_LIC_NUMBER 40 Enter the constituent product’s License number
    CONS_COUNTRY 50 Enter the constituent product’s Authorization Country
  3. Click on the Check icon icon and then click Save.
  4. If a combination product has multiple device constituent products, then add additional records with the same data for PMOA related fields along with other constituent product details.