Personally Identifiable Information and Application Behavior

This section provides details about the impacted areas and their behavior.

Case Form Print, Case Summary and Medical Summary Reports

The Case Form Print, and the Case and Medical Summary reports display PII data fields only based on the user group access and common profile switches setup.

Case Form Title Bar

For certain report types, the case form title bar displays the Patient initials. These will now be visible based on user group access and common profile switches.

Case Revision

Case Revisions display PII data based on the user group access and common profile switches.

Audit Log Report

The Audit Log reports displays the PII data based on the user group access and common profile switches. If the main user group (Argus Console > Access Management > Groups > Patient Information) is restricted, the new user group access and common profile switches will be ineffective.

System Reports

Both the Patient and Parent PII data in the system reports are controlled only through Argus Console > Access Management > Groups > Patient Information. The sub-level user group access and common profile settings do not have any effect.

Duplicate Search (Book-in, Local Affiliate and ICSR Pending)

The Duplicate search result displays the PII data based on the user group access and common profile switches.

Case Copy and Audit Logging

Case Copy and the Audit Log continue to handle PII data even when the fields are hidden or read-only.

Copy Patient Information from Reporter

Patient initials are copied from the reporter only when the Patient initials field is visible and editable.

Patient/Parent Initials Automatic Calculation

The Patient or Parent Initials are automatically calculated when the Patient or Parent initials field is visible and editable.

Accept ICSR/Affiliate Acceptance (Interchange and LAM)

The Accept ICSR/Affiliate Acceptance dialogs and reports work as in the existing version of Argus Safety. These modules do not follow the PII restrictions levied by user group access setting and common profile switches.

The following sections provides a sample of the Case Form behavior between two users who have been set up for PII Data Privacy.

User Details Access Settings

User 1

User ID: usr_pat_info

Group: Patient_info_group

Access Setting: Case Patient - Patient Information: No Access

Case Patient - Patient Details: Modify

User 2

User ID: usr_pat_det

Group: Patient_det_group

Access Setting: Case Patient - Patient Information: Modify

Case Patient - Patient Details: No Access

No changes to the common profile set up from the default values.

With the above set up when user 1 and user 2 logs into the application, the application behaves as following:

Logged in User Application Behavior


In the case patient tab, all the fields under Patient-Information group are hidden except Initials, Child Only case and Country fields.


In the case patient tab, all the fields under Patient-Details group are hidden. Patient Initials, Child only Case and Country fields are hidden too.