Run the Dictionary Management Tool to Recode Events

  1. Open the Dictionary Management Tool, click MedDRA Loader.
  2. Enter the SYSTEM or DBA user password, the database name, and click OK.
  3. In the MedDRA Dictionary Loader dialog box, click Re-Code.
  4. In the Event Re-Coding dialog box, do the following:
    1. In the Enterprises field, select an enterprise to recode. In order to perform MEDRA recode, an enterprise must have at least one case. An enterprise is eligible for selection only if it has associated cases.


      If Oracle Argus Safety is setup in Single Tenant Mode, you will only have one option here. If you are setup as a Multi-Tenant Database, you can choose which Enterprises to recode. Multiple enterprises can be selected.
    2. In the Select the Source MedDRA Version that was used for coding field, select the existing version of MedDRA that needs to be re-coded.
      • Select a specific version to only recode data coded with that version.
      • Select All to recode all existing coded data regardless of the version it is coded with.
    3. Select one of the following options:
      • Update Datato recode the Argus events encoded in the selected MedDRA version to the MedDRA version selected in the system configuration in the Common Profile Switch.
      • View Only to generate logs that can be used to evaluate the cases and fields that are affected by the recode. When this check box is selected, the Select the target MedDRA version that will be used to recode in View Only Mode field is available to allow you to select the target version for which you want to see the logs.
    4. In the Coding Data Update/View Options [Currency determined at LLT Level Only] field, Check one or all of the Process Current Terms, Process Non-Current Terms and/or Update dictionary version check boxes.
    5. In the Output Log File Options, select an output log file option and directory path for the log files.
      • Delimited Text
      • Excel Sheet output
    6. Click the Execute button to start the recoding process.
    7. When the system displays the Connect to Database dialog box, enter the Schema Owner name, password, and database. Click OK.
      • Enter the schema owner name in the Argus Schema Owner field.
      • Enter the password in the Password field.
      • Enter the database name in the Database field.
Dictionary Management to recode events