Manually code a term

  1. Open a case.
  2. Select Events.
  3. In the Event Information section, under Description as Reported, enter the term to code exactly as it was reported and then press the Alt+Tab keys on your keyboard.

    If autocoding did not find a coding for your term, the MedDRA Browser dialog box opens.

  4. In the MedDRA browser dialog box, perform the following:
    1. In the LLT field, refine the description of your search term using a wildcard character (%), an alternative term, or a company-specific synonym that matches your term, and then press the Alt+Tab keys on your keyboard.


      To view a specific LLT, click the LLT entry.
    2. To print the selected coding as a PDF report, press Print.
    3. To accept the current LLT selection as the coding for your term, double-click the LLT selection or press Select.

The coding details for your term appear in the Event Coding section.