Search for a case

  1. Hover over the Case Actions menu, and click Open.
  2. On the Case Search Criteria page, enter criteria for your search in any of the following fields:
    • Search For—Select a parameter from the drop-down list and provide a search value in the adjacent text field.


      You can select the Pri/Stdy/Othr/Cntr/Rptr/Pat option from the Search For drop-down to simultaneously search for a value that you specified in the field adjacent to Search For by all these parameters: Project ID, Study ID, Other ID, Center ID, Reporter ID, and Patient ID.

    • Date Range—Select a parameter from the drop-down list, or enter a custom date range in the From and To fields, and click OK.


      Select the Follow-up radio button to search by follow-up dates, including significant and non-significant event dates.

    • Product Family—Select a product category from the drop-down list.
  3. To use a new advanced condition query set as criterion for your search, select New from the Advanced Condition drop-down list or click the AC button. See Create a single filter.
  4. If necessary, check the Full Search checkbox and enter a value in the field adjacent to Search For to search for cases that contain the specified value in any word order or combination.
  5. Click Search.
  6. From the search results list, click a Case ID link.