Select summary listing

The UD Summaries tab allows you to specify which summary listings will appear along with the line listing.

Field Description

Include these summary tabulations/listings based on the set of cases presented in the line listing

Allows you to select from pre-configured summary tabulations/listings based on Case Data Analysis, Case listing or CIOMS II line listing reports. These tabulations are based only on the data included in the line listing. Select the Exclude Follow-up Cases checkbox to filter out follow-up cases from the attached report.

If the Exclude Follow-up Cases option is selected on the Inclusion criteria tab, this option is ignored and follow-up cases are always filtered out.

Include these summary tabulations based on all cases

Allows for additional sub-reports based on the Case Data Analysis template, to be included as an output for the all cases in the database that meet the CTPR inclusion criterion for all dates.

Include these summary tabulations/listings based on the Date Range

This option allows for additional sub-reports based on Case Data Analysis, Case listing or CIOMS II line listing reports to be included as an output for the cases meeting the CTPR inclusion criterion for the Date Range specified when adding the sub-report.

The dates are based on either the Case Creation Date or the Initial Receipt Date as entered on the CTPR Inclusion Criteria tab. Check the checkbox to the right of the sub-report to ignore considering follow-up cases for the sub-report.