User options

Option Description

View Transmission

Displays the report in a PDF format.

Mark report as Submitted

Marks the report for the selected row as submitted.

This option is displayed to only those users who have the access rights to mark a report as submitted.

Remove transmission

Failed transmissions can be removed using this option as it removes the transmission log entry from the list.

A report whose status is pending cannot be transmitted.


This options allows reports to be re-generated and re-transmitted if report generation had failed earlier. For failure in other stages of report transmission, this option performs only retransmission.

Submit Multiple Reports

Multiple reports that are selected from the list can be marked as submitted simultaneously.

Re-transmit Multiple

The status of multiple reports that are selected from the list can be changed to pending, and those reports can be re-transmitted.

Remove Multiple Transmissions

Transmission of multiple reports that are selected from the list can be removed.