
The Main Line Listing provides grouping based on the following groups of cases:

Table 7-1 Main Line Listing Grouping

Group or sort options Description

Grouping based on HCP or Consumer

Cases having Primary reporter marked as Health care Professional are considered as HCP cases. Cases having Primary reporter not marked as Health care Professional are considered as Consumer cases.

Grouping based on Initial or Follow-up

Cases are listed under Initial or Follow-up based on temp table logic. Initial case listing is printed followed by Follow-up cases.

Grouping based on Products

Cases with company suspect products matching those in the Products selected are grouped.

If there are no cases for a product specified in the product selection specified in Report Configuration, this product name does not appear as a header.

If a case has multiple company suspect products that are in the product selection specified in report configuration, the case is presented in each product's section; that is, the case appears multiple times in the report.

Grouping based on SOC (as per event order specified in the case form event tab)

Cases are grouped by the SOC of the Event.

The system displays the SOC group header in the internationally agreed order as specified in the codelist SOC_DISPLAY_ORDER.

Case appears under the SOC of the Primary event and the system prints a reference of this information for SOCs of other events if the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Report parameter List cases in the line listing under SOC for each diagnosis is Y and List Cases under all events, details under the primary event is selected.

Case appears under the SOC of the Primary event and not under other SOCs if the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Report parameter List cases in the line listing under SOC for each diagnosis is N and List Cases only once, under the primary event is selected.

Grouping based on Case Seriousness

Cases with Serious case level seriousness are printed under the group header Serious. Cases with Non-Serious case level seriousness are printed under the group header Non-Serious.

Cases with case level seriousness as blank are printed under Seriousness not defined. The order of printing these group headers is Serious, Non-Serious and Seriousness not defined.

Sorting based on Case Numbers

Cases are displayed in the ascending order of the Case Numbers in the Main line listing.