Dictionary support

The following table lists the supported dictionary versions for this release:

Dictionary Supported versions

MedDRA Dictionary

25.0 (March 2022), 25.1 (September 2022)

24.0 (April 2021), 24.1 (September 2021)

23.0 (April 2020), 23.1 (September 2020)

22.0 (March 2019), 22.1 (September 2019)

WHO Drug Dictionary

(Format: B3 and C3, both English and Chinese)

March 2022, September 2022

March 2021, September 2021

March 2020, September 2020

March 2019, September 2019

J Drug Dictionary

April 2022

April 2021, October 2021

April 2020, October 2020

April 2019, October 2019