RECEIPTDATE [A.1.7b] update in E2B(R2)


Receipt date not updated as per the latest date in E2B(R2) nullification reports (Enhancement 18524838)


The RECEIPTDATE [A.1.7b] mapping has been updated to use the latest significant follow-up date instead of the date from the previous submitted report when you generate nullification reports.

For an updated list of mappings, refer to the following eTRM documents:

  • ArgusInterchange84_E2B(R2) 2.1 Export Mappings.xlsx – for ICH E2B(R2), EMA E2B(R2), FDA E2B(R2) 2.1
  • ArgusInterchange84_E2B(R2) 2.2 Export Mappings.xlsx – for FDA E2B(R2) 2.2
  • ArgusInterchange84_PMDA E2B(R2) Export Import Mappings.xlsx – for PMDA E2B(R2)