Support for Modern Authentication


Modern Authentication of Microsoft Exchange compatibility with Argus SMTP (Enhancement 33983220)


Modern Authentication is a combination of authentication and authorization methods. It is more secure than the Basic Authentication method, which relied only on a user name and password.

The method is based on ADAL (Active Directory Authentication Library) and OAuth 2.0. An application does not store the users credentials, but the authentication is done with tokens provided while registering.

In this release, Oracle Argus has been enhanced to support only Microsoft Office 365 to send emails based on Modern Authentication.


As a pre-requisite, Argus application needs to be registered in Azure AD to obtain required credentials, like Client ID and Client Secret to send emails.

Console updates

The Modern Authentication option is added in the Argus Console > System Configuration > SMTP Configuration > Authentication drop-down field. When this option is selected, the SMTP Password field is disabled and the Modern Authentication Configuration section is enabled for you to configure Client ID, Client secret and Tenant ID.

Email transmission

The Oracle Argus services and Oracle Argus Insight ETL service have been enhanced to send email notifications using the Modern Authentication method.