Generic Architecture

The Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Periodic Reporting functionality is an Oracle Argus Safety add-on feature that you can enable.

For more information on enabling this feature, refer to the Enabling and Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Periodic Reporting section in the Argus Safety Install Guide.

Figure 3-1 displays the architecture of BI Publisher Periodic Reporting with Oracle Argus Safety.

Figure 3-1 Argus Flexible Aggregate Reporting Architecture

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of "Figure 3-1 Argus Flexible Aggregate Reporting Architecture"

Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher reports can be executed from Oracle Argus Safety UI or through the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher console. The following table explains the core components involved in the architecture diagram.

Table 3-1 Core Components of the Architecture Diagram

Component Functionality

Argus Web Console

The first piece of the application for configuring Oracle Argus Safety. Handles the following:

- Enabling the BIP module

- Supplying the necessary BIP security credentials and setting up the persist duration

- Setting up the report template path

Argus Web

Provides the report configuration for ICH PSUR and CTPR reports. Supplies the criteria that generates the case series.

The batch print screen runs either a legacy periodic report or a BIP report based on user selection. It also lets you generate or reuse already generated case series.

AG Service

Internally invokes the BIP Periodic report through WebServices and runs the report in the background.

Argus Database - BIP Schema

New schema created during the schema creation that holds all objects used for generating the periodic reports.

The objects in the schema are responsible for generating the data needed.

BIP Server

Server where Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher reports are located and executed. Report output is temporarily stored in the BIP server.

For more information on the Oracle Argus Safety Web Console, Oracle Argus Safety Web, and AG Service, refer to the Oracle Argus Safety User's Guide.


The Oracle Access Manager server, if chosen, also needs authentication.