Error Message: Protocol Number Mismatch

Error Message: !! Critical Error Detected !!

Error Display:

EOSU Error Message: Protocol Number Mismatch dialog box

Reason for Error: The Study information (Protocol Number) does not match Study definition under List Maintenance.

As shown in the image above, a CASE REF 07 shows protocol number ABC where the protocol number Project Argus Unblinding 01 is used in study information. The Oracle Argus Unblinding software shows a maximum of four (4) cases followed by an SQL statement to help the user to capture all Cases with mismatched data. The User can then update the data in the database and re-execute the profile.

Resolution: Update the protocol number in list maintenance or update the Case Data (CASE_STUDY.PROTOCOL_NUM) with the matching PROTOCOL ID from the Clinical Study information and re-execute the profile

Comment: This message was introduced to prevent the system from hanging indefinitely when there is a data mismatch.