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Produce Report/View Report Request dialog box

The help for this page includes descriptions for core fields, actions, and buttons only.

Field descriptions for the Produce Report dialog box—AutoCode Export

Produce Report dialog box—AutoCode Export





The name of the study from the selected study group for which to include data.

Start Date

The start date for the period covered by the export. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

End Date

The end date for the period covered by the export. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

Field descriptions for the Produce Report dialog box—Coding Consistency Export

Produce Report dialog box—Coding Consistency Export





The name of the study from the selected study group for which to include data.


The verbatim for which to view coding information. If the field is blank, the Central Coding application displays information for all verbatims.

Searches are case-insensitive. The search supports the special characters *, %, ?, and _. The search text field can be any text string and can contain wildcard characters to facilitate matching when the exact text is not known. The percent sign (%) or asterisk (*) matches any sequence of characters; the question mark (?) or underscore (_) matches any single character.

Coding Mode

The methods used to code each request.

Upper and Lower Level

The level of the dictionary hierarchy to include in the export. This option is available based on the selected Dictionary Type.

Start Date

The start date for the period covered by the export. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

End Date

The end date for the period covered by the export. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

Show only verbatims with inconsistent codes

Indicates whether the report displays information only about verbatims that received different codes in various instances.

  • If a verbatim is specified in the Verbatim field, the report displays inconsistent codes information about that verbatim.
  • If a verbatim is not specified in the Verbatim field, the report displays inconsistent codes information about all the verbatims.

    Field descriptions for the Produce Report dialog box—Coding Consistency Report/View Report Request dialog box—Coding Consistency Report

Produce Report dialog box—Coding Consistency Report/View Report Request dialog box—Coding Consistency Report





The verbatim for which to view coding information. If the field is blank, the Central Coding application displays information for all verbatims.

Searches are case-insensitive. The search supports the special characters *, %, ?, and _. The search text field can be any text string and can contain wildcard characters to facilitate matching when the exact text is not known. The percent sign (%) or asterisk (*) matches any sequence of characters; the question mark (?) or underscore (_) matches any single character.

Coding Mode

The methods used to code the request.

  • Both—Includes the data for both interactively and automatically coded items.
  • Interactive—Includes only the data for interactively coded items.
  • Autocode—Includes only the data for automatically coded items.

Start Date

The start date for the period covered by the report. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

End Date

The end date for the period covered by the report. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

Show only verbatims with inconsistent codes

Indicates whether the report displays information only about verbatims that received different codes in various instances.

  • If a verbatim is specified in the Verbatim field, the report displays inconsistent codes information about that verbatim.
  • If a verbatim is not specified in the Verbatim field, the report displays inconsistent codes information about all the verbatims.

    Field descriptions for the Produce Report dialog box—Coded Items Export

Produce Report dialog box—Coded Items Export





The name of the study from the selected study group for which to include data.

Start Date

The start date for the period covered by the export. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

End Date

The end date for the period covered by the export. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).


The type of items to include in the export based on their approval status.

Export Codes

Exports the code values associated with the selected studies and coding definition. Whether this option is available is set by your system administrator.

Field descriptions for the Produce Report dialog box—Coded Items Report/View Report Request dialog box—Coded Items Report

Produce Report dialog box—Coded Items Report/View Report Request dialog box—Coded Items Report





The name of the study from the selected study group for which to include data.

Start Date

The start date for the period covered by the report. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

End Date

The end date for the period covered by the report. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).


  • Selected—Report includes the items coded in the application through the specified end date. Items in the specified date range appear in the report highlighted in pink. Items outside of the date range appear in the report but are not highlighted.
  • Not selected—Report includes only the items that were coded in the application in the specified date range.

    Field descriptions for the Produce Report dialog box—Coder Metrics Export

Produce Report dialog box—Coder Metrics Export




Start Date

The start date for the period covered by the export. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

End Date

The end date for the period covered by the export. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

Show Coding Definitions

Indicates whether to include the coding definition used in each study.

Field descriptions for the Produce Report dialog box—New Export

Produce Report dialog box—New Export




Export Type

Indicates the export to run:

  • AutoCode Export—Details the percentage of autocoded items for one or each study in a specified date range.
  • Auto Suggestion List Export—Details the auto-suggestion list for a coding definition.
  • Coded Items Export—Details the coded items in one or all studies from one or all study groups in a specified date range. The report is based on the approval status and includes approver name details.
  • Coder Metrics Export—Details the coding work that each coder has done in the specified time frame, including the number of verbatims manually coded, approved, and in the Coded, awaiting approval state, as well as the number of queries opened and closed.
  • Coding Consistency Export—Details the codings for a specified dictionary type, study, verbatim, and coding mode in a specified date range.
  • Query Export—Details the queries or the status of queries opened in the Central Coding application for a study.
  • Study Metrics Export—Details the coding work in a study during the specified time frame, including the number of verbatims received, autocoded, manually coded, approved, awaiting approval, and delivered, as well as the number of opened and closed queries.
  • Synonym List Export—Details a synonym list for a coded definition.
  • Uncoded Items Export—Details the uncoded items for one or each study in a specified date range.

    The Central Coding application places this information in a Comma-Separated Value (CSV) file for use by an external application such as Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software.

    Field descriptions for the Produce Report dialog box—New Request

Produce Report dialog box—New Request




Report Type

Specifies the report type to run.

  • Coded Items Report—Provides detailed information on the coded items in one or all studies from one or all study groups in a specified date range, based on the approval status. The report provides the verbatim, indication, dictionary, coder, approver, study name, delivery status, route of administration, coding type, date coded, subject ID, level, term, code value, and total request count.
  • Coding Consistency Report—Provides detailed information on the codings for a specified dictionary type, study, verbatim, and coding mode in a specified date range. The report provides the grand total request count, and, for each verbatim, the total request count, the requested dictionary level terms, the code values, and the request count per code value.
  • Workteams, Roles, and Rights by User—Provides a list of assigned work teams, roles, and rights for each active user in the system.

    You must enter parameters for each report type, except for the Workteams, Roles, and Rights by User report.

Report Name

A name for the report. By default, this is the same as the Report Type.

Field descriptions for the Produce Report dialog box—Query Export

Produce Report dialog box—Query Export





The name of the study from the selected study group for which to include data.

Query Status

The type of requests to include in the export based on the status of the queries associated with the requests.

Field descriptions for the Produce Report dialog box—Study Metrics Export

Produce Report dialog box—Study Metrics Export





The name of the study from the selected study group for which to include data.

Start Date

The start date for the period covered by the export. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

End Date

The end date for the period covered by the export. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

Show Coding Definitions

Indicates whether to include the coding definition used in each study.

Field descriptions for the Produce Report dialog box—Uncoded Items Export

Produce Report dialog box—Uncoded Items Export





The name of the study from the selected study group for which to include data.

Start Date

The start date for the period covered by the export. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).

End Date

The end date for the period covered by the export. The date must be in the format the system administrator specifies on the System Configuration page.

You can enter the current date into a date field by inserting an equal sign (=).


The type of requests to include in the export based on the Uncoded or Recode status associated with the request.

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