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Running the Impact Analysis Report

The Impact Analysis report records the status of the impact analysis and verbatim reconciliation process.

You can run the report at any time after you run impact analysis and during or after the verbatim reconciliation process. The Central Coding application runs the final version of the report when you save the changes for the verbatims to the database.

Only the current version of the report is saved. However, you can keep a history of the report by saving all the versions from the Document Viewer page. For more information, see Viewing the results of a report.

  1. Select Coding Setup > Impact Analysis.

    The In Process page appears.

  2. Select a coding definition upgrade with a step and status of Reconcile—Not Started, Reconcile—In Process, or Update—Not Started.
  3. Click the Generate Report button.

    When the report is complete, the Results Exist (Results Exist icon. Click to view the results.) icon appears in the Report column.

  4. Click the Results Exist (Results Exist icon. Click to view the results.) icon.

    The Document Viewer page appears and displays the report in Rich Text Format (RTF).

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