Copying a stopword list

A copied stopword list is a snapshot of the current content of an existing stopword list. Changes to the new list are not transferred to the original list.

  1. Select Coding Setup > Stopword Lists.
    The Stopword Lists page appears.
  2. Select a stopword list.
  3. Select Actions > Copy.
    The [New Stopword List] copied from [Stopword List Name] page appears. For a description of the fields on this page, see [New Stopword List] copied from the [Stopword List Name] page.
  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the stopword list.
  5. If the stopword list has children, select Include children to copy the child stopword lists. The resulting stopword list replicates both the structure and the data of the parent stopword list, along with a copy of each child stopword list related to the parent.
  6. Click the Save button.