Default rights

The following rights are not included in any default role:

  • View Job Queues.
  • Issue Candidate Query.
  • Force Close Query.

Table 23-7 Approval

Default right Description

Approve Coding

Mark a coded verbatim as Approved.

Force Close Query

Mark a query in any state as Closed.

A query should be forced closed only when there is an irresolvable conflict between the Oracle Central Coding application and the Oracle InForm application. The query closes only in the Oracle Central Coding application. Oracle recommends that you assign this right to a limited number of users, and that you use it as infrequently as possible.

Manage Auto Queries

Manage the verbatims for which a query is automatically created in the Oracle Central Coding application.

Manage Query Standard Reasons

Create and modify the default reasons that appear in the Reason drop-down list in the Create Query, Close Query, Reissue Query, and Delete Query dialog boxes.

Reconcile Synonyms

Reconcile the synonym differences between dictionary versions after you run impact analysis.

Reconcile Verbatims

Reconcile the verbatim differences between dictionary versions after you run impact analysis.

View Approval Request

Approve the code and term assignments for verbatims manually.

Table 23-8 Coding

Default right Description

Add Auto Queries

Add a verbatim query entry to the auto query list.

Clear Code

Remove the code and term assigned to a verbatim in the Oracle Central Coding application.

Clearing the code values in the Oracle Central Coding application clears the corresponding code values in the source application.

Code Approved Request

Recode a verbatim that has been coded but not yet delivered to the InForm application.

Code Delivered Request

Recode a verbatim that has been coded and delivered to the InForm application.

Code Request

Assign a code and term to a verbatim, and propagate the coding to all matching verbatims.

Code Single

Assign a code and term to a single verbatim.

Issue Candidate Query

Create a Candidate query, which a Oracle Central Coding user with the appropriate rights will assign to the Open or Deleted state.

Issue Open Query

Create an Open query, which will be propagated to matching verbatims in the coding request list.

Propose Synonyms

Recommend a term and code that the Oracle Central Coding application should assign to all instances of the verbatim for which you suggest the synonym.

Retry Delivery

Select verbatims that are marked Undeliverable to retry the delivery of the codes and terms to the source application.

Review Query Listing

View the Queries page.

Submit Auto Suggestion

Enable the auto-suggestion feature in the coding browser.

View Coding Request

View the list of coding requests assigned to your work teams.

Table 23-9 Reporting

Default right Description

Produce Report

Produce reports and exports.

View Report

View report outputs.

Table 23-10 Request Setup

Default right Description

Accept Stopwords

Approve proposed stopwords.

Accept Synonyms

Approve proposed synonyms.

Activate Algorithms

Activate algorithms that have been modified or added.

Activate Stopword Lists

Activate stopword lists that have been modified or added.

Activate Stopwords

Activate stopwords that have been modified or added.

Activate Synonym Lists

Activate synonym lists that have been modified or added.

Activate Synonyms

Activate synonyms that have been modified or added.

Edit Algorithms

Edit coding algorithms. To edit algorithms, you must have both the Edit Algorithms right and the View Algorithms right.

Edit Assignment Rules

Modify existing assignment rules, which are used to filter coding requests among defined coding definitions.

Edit Coding Definition Element Configuration

Edit the element configuration settings at the coding definition level.

Edit Coding Definitions

Edit coding definitions by selecting the dictionary, synonym list, stopword list, and algorithm for the coding definition.

Edit Dictionary Version Element Configuration

Edit the element configuration settings at the dictionary level.

Edit Stopword Lists

Modify stopword lists.

Edit Stopwords

Modify stopwords.

Edit Synonym Lists

Modify synonym lists.

Edit Synonyms

Modify synonyms.

Manage Auto Suggestions

Allow users to review and remove autocoding suggestions from the list for a specific coding dictionary.

Reset Element Configuration

Reset the element configuration settings back to the default selections at the coding definition level.

Run Impact Analysis

Run impact analysis to evaluate terms and code assignments against a new dictionary version, reconcile any differences, and report the differences between dictionary versions.

View Algorithms

View coding algorithms. To edit algorithms, you must have both the Edit Algorithms right and the View Algorithms right.

View Coding Definitions

View the list of coding definitions. To view the element configuration at the coding definition level, you must also have the Edit Coding Definition Element Configuration right.

View Dictionaries

View the list of installed dictionaries. To view the element configuration at the dictionary level, you must also have the Edit Dictionary Version Element Configuration right.

View Stopwords

View the stopwords in a stopword list.

View Synonyms

View the synonyms in a synonym list.

Table 23-11 System Administration

Default right Description

Edit Request Work team Assignment

Modify the work team assignment for a request.

Edit System Configuration

Edit preferences that affect the system. For example, password expiration, date format, maximum query length.

Manage Job Queues

Stop jobs, delete jobs, and review job status.

Manage Object Lock

View locked objects and revoke a lock if required.

Manage Study Lock

View locked studies and revoke a lock if required.

View Administration

View administrative settings. To view specific settings, you must have additional rights.

View All Requests

View coding requests regardless of assignment rules.

View Audit History

View the audit history on the All Requests page.

View Job Queues

View the status of jobs.

View Object Lock

View object lock information.

View Study Lock

View study lock information.

View System Configuration

View the authentication, application, lock management, and impact analysis configuration options.

View System Information

View version information for the Oracle Central Coding product, the Oracle database, and the Windows system. You can also view copyright information for the software products used with the Oracle Central Coding application.

Table 23-12 User Administration

Default right Description

Activate User

Activate a user in the Oracle Central Coding application.

Create Role

Create a new role.

Create User

Create a new user.

Create Work Team

Create a work team.

Deactivate User

Deactivate a user.

Delete Role

Delete a role.

Delete Work Team

Delete a work team.

Manage Users

Perform actions on users such as activating and terminating user accounts, assigning rights and roles to users, and assigning users to work teams.

To create users, you must also have the Create User right. To update user information, you must also have the Update User right. To activate the user you create, you must also have the Activate User right.

Terminate User

Permanently terminate a user's access to the Oracle Central Coding application.

Update Role

Add new rights to a role. To update a role, you must also have the Create Role right.

Update User

Update user information. To activate a user, you must also have the Activate User right.

Update Work Team

Update the name of a work team and modify work team assignments.