Queries page

The help for this page includes descriptions for core fields, actions, and buttons only.


Field Description

Form filter

A filter that identifies the queries to view based on the form that contains the verbatim associated with the query.


The age of the query in days.


The original reported text that describes the adverse event, disease, drug, or other item to be coded. This information comes from the source application.


The name of the study.

The name is an active link if your environment is integrated with the Oracle InForm application. The link opens the InForm application page for the study.

For a Clinical One study, the link navigates to the Clinical One landing page, where all studies are listed. It does not open the study itself.


A unique identifier for the subject site. This information comes from the source application.

Subject ID

A source application identifier for the subject associated with the coding request. This information comes from the source application.


Button Shortcut Description

Approve Candidate


Opens the Approve Query dialog box, where you can approve a query in the Candidate state and assign it to the Open state.

Delete Query


Opens the Delete Query dialog box, where you can delete a query in the Candidate state.

Retry Query Delivery


Changes the delivery status for a query that failed delivery to the source application back to the previous state, so that the query can be resent to the source application.

Force Close Query


Opens the Force Query dialog box, where you can close a query in any state if you have the Force Close Query right.

Manage Auto Query


Opens the Auto Query List page, where you can manage the verbatims for which a query is automatically created in the Oracle Central Coding application.