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Icons used on the Data Mappings tab

Icons used on the Data Mappings tab



Icon for logical schemas.


Icon for data sets.

Data set.

Icon for data series.

Data series.

Note: If only one item is mapped to a data series, and that item occurs in the study in only one form and study event, the icon that appears is the rule model properties icon for the return type that matches the item's data type.

Icon for methods.


Icon for date time items.

Rule model properties with a DateTime return type.

Icon for float items.

Rule model properties with a Float return type.

Icon for integer items.

Rule model properties with an Integer return type.

Icon for text items.

Rule model properties with a Text return type.

Rule model property icon. Objects with this icon are rule model properties.

Rule model properties with a Boolean return type.

Folder icon. Values and Variables rule model properties have this icon.

Values[ ] and Variables[ ] rule model property.

Icon for groups of study objects in the Globals tab.

Groups of study events, forms, or items.

Icon for individual study objects in the Globals tab.

Individual study events, forms, or items in groups.

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