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Create a drop-down list on your item

To add a list of choices that a user can select from a drop-down list to your form, you add a codelist to an item. In InForm, the item question appears on the left of the page, and the codelist (the drop-down list) appears on the right.

For example, your form might include a Gender item. To add a drop-down list that allows the user to select a subject's gender, you add a codelist, and codelist items Male and Female.

  1. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Visit Schedule (Visit Schedule) button.
  2. Expand the visit and form with the item you want to add the codelist to.
  3. In the grid, highlight the item's row by clicking the box on the left.
  4. At the top of the Design tab, click Codelist, and select New.
  5. In the New Codelist dialog box, in the Design tab, enter a title, RefName, and description for the codelist.
  6. In the Data type drop-down list, select a data type for the codelist.

    Tip Tip: The data type must match the data type of the codelist's parent item, and all codelist items (the options in the drop-down list) that you add to the codelist.

  7. In the grid, enter a title, RefName, code, label, and description for each codelist item (option in the drop-down list), and press Enter or tab to save each row.

    Tip Tip: The label is the value that appears for each option in the drop-down list in InForm. HTML formatting tags are not supported for pulldown controls. Do not use HTML formatting tags in the Label of any of the codelist items.

  8. In the Project Explorer, select the item you added the codelist to.
  9. On the Design tab, in the Codelist Settings section, click Select Single Value.
  10. At the top of the page, select the Layout tab.
  11. If you haven't already done so, click Create Layout.
  12. On the right of the page, right-click the codelist that you just created, select Control Type, and select Pulldown.
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