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Security Settings workspace—Option descriptions

Option descriptions for the Security Settings workspace



Default value

Acceptable range

Passwords section




Passwords expire every

When selected, passwords expire after the specified number of days.

Otherwise, passwords do not expire.

30 days

1 day - 365 days

Enforce password history

When selected, you can specify the number of recently used passwords that cannot be reused.

For example, if you specify 4 in the Enforce password history field, when changing a password, users cannot use any of their four previously used passwords.


4-12 passwords

Minimum password length

Minimum required length of a password for any user.

8 characters

6 - 20 characters

Number of password re-tries

Number of failed logon attempts that are allowed before a user's account is locked. A user with a locked account cannot log on for 30 minutes.

3 attempts

1 - 10 attempts

Password complexity

Low—The password must meet the length requirement.

Medium, High, or Very High—The password must meet the length requirement and meet one (for Medium), two (for High), or all (for Very High) of the following requirements:

  • At least one letter and one number.
  • At least one non-alphanumeric character.
  • At least one upper-case and one lower-case letter.


Not applicable.

Account lockout section




Lockout System account for

Amount of time the system user account is locked out of the Central Designer application after exceeding the allowed number of login attempts.


0 minutes - 23 hours, 59 minutes

Lockout user for

Amount of time a user account is locked out of the Central Designer application after exceeding the allowed number of login attempts.


0 minutes - 23 hours, 59 minutes

Manually reactivate user

When selected, the user is locked out of the Central Designer application after exceeding the allowed number of login attempts, and cannot log back in until an administrator reactivates the user account.

Note: This option takes precedence over the Lockout user for field setting.

Not selected

Not applicable.

Session settings section




Inactivity timeout

Amount of time in which users can stop working before they are prompted to re-enter their passwords.

Note: The Inactivity timeout value must be lower than the User must re-authenticate value.

20 minutes

15 minutes - 23 hours, 59 minutes


User must re-authenticate every

The amount of time that can pass before users are prompted to re-enter their passwords, even if they have not stopped working.

4 hours

1 hour - 6 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes

Study visibility section




Restrict study visibility to study team members

When selected, studies and libraries are hidden from the users who are not members of the study teams and library teams.

Note: Studies and libraries are always visible to the users who create them.

Selected for new installations.

Not selected if you upgraded from Central Designer release 2.0 or earlier.

Not applicable.

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