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Types of keywords and categories

The Study Objects and Users catalogs contain system and user keywords and automatically generated and manually generated categories. The following table describes each keyword and category and tells the location of each in the Central Designer application.

Types of keywords and categoreis

Type of keyword or category

Location in Libraries Browser

Location in Users Browser

System keywords

System keywords are keywords that are installed by default with the Central Designer application or that an administrator creates in the Central Designer Administrator application.

Keywords tab > System list

Keywords tab > System list

User keywords

User keywords are keywords that a Central Designer user creates. You cannot view keywords that other users create, and other users cannot view your user keywords. Only study objects can be categorized with user keywords.

Keywords tab > User list

You cannot categorize users with user keywords.

Automatically generated categories

Automatically generated categories are categories that automatically catalog study objects by auditing information (for example, the study object type, original author, creation date, and library in which the study object was created).

Categories tab > Automatically Generated tree

Categories tab > Automatically Generated tree

Manually generated categories

Manually generated categories are categories that you create by dragging keywords to the Categories tree.

Categories tab > Manually Generated tree

Categories tab > Manually Generated tree

Note: The Libraries Browser and Users Browser are in the Central Designer application.

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