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Map associated forms to a CDD

The target table for an association has a fixed format that consists of ID and index columns to identify the visit instance, form instance, and patient for the data in the two associated forms. Instead of specifying data sets and data series for the data in each form, you specify the association.

  1. Create two repeating forms and associate them. For more information, see the User Guide for Form Designers.
  2. Create a data set.

    Note: Do not create any data series in the data set. You can create mappings for associations only in a data set that has no data series.

  3. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Forms and Transactions (Forms and Transactions) button.
  4. In the Properties tab, select the associated forms as the value of the Associated Forms property, and press Enter.

    Tip Tip: If you don't see the Properties tab, at the top left of the page, select View, and make sure Properties is selected.

Note: If you change the association between two forms, you must manually update the data mapping by changing the value of the Associated Forms CDD custom property of the data set.

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