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Map dosage frequency items in the Subject_SuspectDrug data set

The Subject_SuspectDrug data set includes the following data series for mapping dosage frequency.

Dosage quantity data series:

Timing interval of dosage administration data series:

Complete dosage information selected from a codelist data series:

The way you map to these data series depends on how you collect dosage frequency in the study.

Single item with a codelist—If users select all components of the dosage frequency as codelist items (for example, 2 times per day, 3 times per day, twice per week), map the dosage frequency item to the SuspectDrug_DosageFrequency data series.

Single text item— If users enter all components of the dosage frequency as text (for example, if they enter 3mg, once every 2 days):

Multiple items—If users enter the dosage frequency in multiple items, map each item to the data series for the appropriate component of the dosage frequency definition.

Note: Map dosage frequency items either to the dosage quantity and dosage interval data series or to the DosageFrequency data series, but not to all six data series. Mapping all six data series raises a warning.

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