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Data Entry Rule Actions report

The Data Entry Rule Actions report runs at the study level. The report lists each data-entry rule action/locale combination in a study. Each row in the report corresponds to a supported locale for a unique rule action. For example, if a data-entry rule has two actions and two supported locales, the report would display four rows for that rule. This report does not include data for workflow rules or global conditions. The selected study must have at least one defined locale for this report to run.

The report displays each rule only once, regardless of the number of times that the study object on which it exists is used in a study. For example, a rule that is defined on an item that appears on more than one form appears once in the report.

Note: This report contains InForm-specific study objects and is not available for studies that do not have InForm selected as one of the Deployment Systems or contain only non-InForm study objects. When you generate a report for a study that contains an invalid workflow, an error occurs, and the report cannot be run.

Running this report should not be considered a substitute for validation. Errors (or lack thereof) encountered while generating this report are not necessarily a reflection of study validity.

Note: This report runs against data in the database. Oracle recommends that you save the study before running the report.

Fields in the Data Entry Rule Actions report



Action Expression

For SetValue expressions: The expression that you create in the SetValue Action box.

For Update Workflow actions: UpdateWorkflow().

Action Type

Type of action, such as Query or SetValue, that occurs upon evaluation of the rule expression.

Email Sender

Email Recipient

Email Subject

Email Body

(Applicable for Email actions only.)

The following information about the email that is sent upon evaluation of the rule expression:

  • Sender's email address
  • Recipient's email address
  • Subject
  • Body text

Error Message(s)

Description of the error(s) encountered while gathering data for the data-entry rule action/locale combination represented in this row.

Error status icon

Indicates whether an error was encountered while gathering data for the data-entry rule action/locale combination represented in this row.

  • A red circle with an X indicates that an error occurred.
  • A green circle with a checkmark indicates that no error occurred.


Locale in which translated text appears for the action.

Translated text appears in the following fields:

  • Email Subject (if applicable)
  • Email Body (if applicable)
  • Query Text (if applicable)
  • Target Form Mnemonic
  • Target Item Question

Query Status

Query Text

(Applicable for Query actions only.)

Status and text of the query that is created upon evaluation of the rule expression.

Rule Description

Description for the data-entry rule.

Rule Last Update User

Name of the user who most recently updated the data-entry rule.

Rule Match

Selection in the Rule Wizard > Actions > If the value is section. For example, Always.

Rule Name

Name of the data-entry rule.

Rule Revision

Revision number of the data-entry rule.

Rule Status

Status of the data-entry rule; either Enabled or Disabled.

Rule Switch

Expression for the data-entry rule.

Rule Timestamp

Date and time when the data-entry rule was most recently updated.

Rule Trigger

Event that causes the rule to run; either FormSubmission or OnDemand.

Rule Type

Type of rule; either Intrinsic (for a rule created based on a rule template) or Expression (for a calculation or constraint rule).

Study Object RefName

Study Object Title

Study Object Type

The following information about the study object on which the data-entry rule exists:

  • RefName.
  • Title.
  • Type.

Target Form Mnemonic

Target Form RefName

Short title and RefName of the form on which the item that is the target of the rule action exists.

Note: If the item is used on multiple forms in the study, the mnemonics and RefNames for the forms are listed and separated by semicolons.

Target Item Number

Target Item Question

Target Item RefName

Target Item Title

Number, question, RefName, and title of the item that is the target of the rule action. For example:

  • For Query actions, the item on which the query appears.
  • For Email actions, the item to which the email action is attached. You select this item in the Email Action dialog box, in the Item field.
  • For SetValue actions, the item for which a value is set.

This information does not apply to UpdateWorkflow actions.

Note: If the item is used on multiple forms in the study, the item numbers for the forms are listed and separated by semicolons.

Note: When an item appears on only one form and is in a repeating section, therefore ending in zero, such as 2.10, the number in the Target Item Number column is enclosed in single brackets, such as '2.10'.

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