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What do the RDE Analytics tables in the Annotated Study Book contain?

RDE Analytics tables are listings of the column names that are generated when study data is extracted to the InForm reporting database.

RDE analytics tables in the Annotated Study Book



Data Variable

Title of the item for which the column names are generated, or RefName if Show Object RefNames is selected in the Annotated Study Book Options dialog box.

RD Column Name

Name of the column in the reporting database where the data will be inserted.

  • Column names consist of the item RefName or the RefName concatenated with a suffix.
  • All types of top-level items have a column with the suffix _ND to hold the reason that an item is not done or incomplete. The format of the other column names generated for an item depends on the type of item.
  • For child items of compound items, the RefName of the parent and child items are concatenated before the suffix.
  • If the RefName part of the generated column name exceeds 25 characters, an asterisk appears in front of the column name to indicate that it will not match the actual RDE output. A footnote explains the asterisk.
  • If an item is used multiple times on a form, an asterisk appears in front of the column name to indicate that it might not match the actual RDE output. A footnote explains the asterisk.


Column Data Type

Data type of the column.


Note: For each form, items that are outside of a section on a form and items that are in a nonrepeating section are included in a table. If a form contains a repeating section, each repeating section has its own table and the items in the repeating section are listed in the corresponding table for the repeating section.

Example of an RDE Analytics table and its annotated form

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