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Safety_Case data set

in the Safety_Case data set

Data Series Title


Location in Argus Safety


Whether the case is serious.

Case Form / Analysis / Case Serious


Where the adverse event occurred.

Case Form/ General / General Information / Country of Incidence


Whether the case resulted in death.

Case Form / Analysis / Case Serious / Notes

SeriousnessLifeThreatening Indicator

Whether the case is life threatening.

Case Form / Analysis / Case Serious / Notes

SeriousnessHospitalization Indicator

Whether the case requires inpatient hospitalization or prolonging of existing hospitalization.

Case Form / Analysis / Case Serious / Notes


Whether the case results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity.

Case Form / Analysis / Case Serious / Notes

SeriousnessCongenital AnomalyIndicator

Whether the case results in a congenital anomaly or birth defect.

Case Form / Analysis / Case Serious / Notes


Whether the case contains a medically important condition.

Case Form / Analysis / Case Serious / Notes


An overall case narrative to send to the Oracle Argus Safety application. This data set can be mapped to multiple items on the SAE case form. The contents of all mapped items will be concatenated together in the order the items appear on the form. Items on the AE form that need to be part of the narrative must be mapped at the Subject_AdverseEvent level. These items will appear before any of the items mapped at this level in the narrative sent to Argus Safety.

  • Compound items are not supported as a narrative field.

Case Form / Analysis / Case Analysis / Narrative

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