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Subject_AdverseEvent data set

in the Subject_AdverseEvent data set

Data Series Title


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Symptom or description of the adverse event as entered by the InForm user. Required.

Case Form / Events / Event Information / Description as Reported


MedDRA lower-level term (LLT) for the adverse event or reaction.

Note: Do not map this data series if the item will be encoded in Argus Safety.

Case Form / Events / Event Encoding / Lower Level Term


MedDRA preferred term (PT) for the adverse event or reaction.

Note: Do not map this data series if the item will be encoded in Argus Safety.

Case Form / Events / Event Encoding / Preferred Term


Version of MedDRA that was used to code the verbatim term to the lower-level term.

Note: Do not map this data series if the item will be encoded in Argus Safety.

For items to be encoded in Argus Safety, MedDRA version is required by the format used for transmitting data but does not appear in Argus Safety.


Version of MedDRA that was used to code the verbatim term to the preferred term.

Note: Do not map this data series if the item will be encoded in Argus Safety.

For items to be encoded in Argus Safety, MedDRA version is required by the format used for transmitting data but does not appear in Argus Safety.


Term highlighted by the reporter (for example, highlighted as serious, highlighted as not serious, serious and not highlighted, not serious, and not highlighted).

Case Form / Events / Event Information / Term Highlighted by Reporter


Onset or start date of the adverse event.

Case Form / Events / Event Information / Onset Date/Time


End date of the adverse event.

Case Form / Events / Event Information / Stop Date/Time

AE_FirstDoseToOnset Duration

Duration between the first dose of the study drug and the onset date of the adverse event if exact tart and end dates are not known or the duration is less than one day.

Case Form / Events/ Event Information / Onset Latency

AE_FirstDoseToOnsetDuration Unit

Unit for the first dose to onset duration (Minutes, Hours).

Case Form / Events/ Event Information / Onset Latency

AE_LastDoseToOnset Duration

Duration between the last dose of the study drug and the onset date of the adverse event if exact start and end dates are not known or the duration is less than one day.

Case Form / Events/ Event Information / Onset From Last Dose

AE_LastDoseToOnsetDuration Unit

Unit for the last dose to onset duration (Minutes, Hours).

Case Form / Events/ Event Information / Onset From Last Dose


Outcome of the adverse event at the last observation (for example, Recovered, Fatal).

Case Form / Events/ Event Information / Outcome of Event


Severity of the adverse event (for example, Severe, Moderate, Mild).

Case Form / Events/ Event Information / Event Intensity

AE_HospitalizationStart DateTime

Date that the patient was admitted to the hospital as a result of the adverse event.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Seriousness Criteria / Hospitalization / Details / Start Date

AE_HosptializationEnd DateTime

Date that the patient was discharged from the hospital after having been admitted as a result of the adverse event.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Seriousness Criteria / Hospitalization / Details / End Date

AE_InterventionRequired Indicator

Indicates whether the adverse event required intervention.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Seriousness Criteria / Intervention Required


Duration of the adverse event if exact start and end dates are not known or if the duration is less than one day.

Case Form / Events / Event Information / Duration


Unit for the duration of the adverse event.

Case Form / Events / Event Information / Duration


Whether the adverse event resulted in death.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Seriousness Criteria / Death

AE_SeriousnessLifeThreatening Indicator

Whether the adverse event was life threatening.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Seriousness Criteria / Life Threatening

AE_SeriousnessHospitalization Indicator

Whether the adverse event resulted in hospitalization or prolonged existing hospitalization.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Seriousness Criteria / Hospitalization

AE_SeriousnessDisabling Indicator

Whether the adverse event resulted in persistent or significant disability or incapacity.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Seriousness Criteria / Disability

AE_SeriousnessCongenital AnomalyIndicator

Whether the adverse event resulted in a congenital anomaly or birth defect.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Seriousness Criteria / Congenital Anomaly


Whether the adverse event was a medically important condition.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Seriousness Criteria / Other


The medically important condition indicated by the Other Indicator item.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Seriousness Criteria / <Other Comment Text>

AE_MedicallySignificant Indicator

Whether the adverse event was medically significant.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Seriousness Criteria / Medically Significant

AE_SubjectDroppedFromStudy Indicator

Whether the subject dropped out of the study because of the adverse event.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Diagnosis / Dropped From Study Due to Event

AE_RelatedToStudyConduct Code

Whether the adverse event was related to a study procedure.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Diagnosis / Related to Study Conduct?


Whether the patient received treatment for the adverse event (Yes, No, Unknown).

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Diagnosis / Treatment Received

AE_SubjectHasPriorHistory Code

Whether the patient had experienced the adverse event in the past (Yes, No, Unknown).

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Diagnosis / Patient Has Prior History


Whether the adverse event indicates a lack of efficacy of the study drug.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Diagnosis / Lack of Efficacy

AE_DiseaseProgression Indicator

Whether the adverse event caused the disease to progress.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Diagnosis / Progression of Disease

AE_AdverseDrugWithdrawal ReactionIndicator

Whether the adverse event was caused by withdrawal of the drug.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Diagnosis / Adverse Drug Withdrawal Reaction


Whether the adverse event resulted in an infection.

Case Form / Event / <event name> / Diagnosis / Infection


An item from an AE form that needs to appear in the narrative for the case in Argus Safety. If multiple AEs are selected using the dynamic grid functionality, the item mapped will appear for each AE selected in the order it was selected in the dynamic grid. This information will appear in the case narrative in Argus Safety before the items on the SAE form mapped at the Safety_Case level.

  • Compound items are not supported as a narrative field.
  • Only one text item is supported as a narrative in an itemset in a Safety form.

Case Form / Analysis / Case Analysis / Narrative

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