About assigning users to roles

You can assign users to roles in both the Users and Roles workspaces. When you assign a user to a role, you authorize the user to assume the role in the studies or libraries where the user is a member of the corresponding team.

  • A user assigned to a study role is granted the rights associated with the role only in studies where the user is also a member of the study team. For example, if a user is assigned to the Rule Creation study role in the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application, the user must also be a member of the Rule Creation study team for a study to create rules in the study.
  • A user assigned to a library role is granted the rights associated with the role only in libraries where that user is also a member of the library team. For example, if a user is assigned to the Librarian library role in the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application, the user must be a member of the Librarian library team for a library (in the Oracle Central Designer application) to work in the library.


You assign users to roles in the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application and to study and library teams in the Oracle Central Designer application.

You can assign a single user to multiple roles, and assign multiple users to a single role, as shown in the following illustration.

Illustration. Assigning users to roles.
  • 1—In the Users workspace, you can assign a single user to multiple roles.
  • 2—In the Roles workspace, you can assign multiple users to a single role.

To grant rights to a user, you must first assign rights to a role, and then assign the user to that role.