About the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application and users

In the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application, you create and manage:

  • Users
  • Roles
  • Collaboration
  • Supported locales
  • Custom properties
  • Categories
  • Keywords
  • Security settings
  • Deployment options
  • System configuration settings
  • In-place revision settings

Some tasks in the Oracle Central Designer application cannot be performed until the administration information is set up correctly in the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application.

Other types of administration, including administering studies and libraries, are performed in the Oracle Central Designer application. For more information, see the User Guide.

Users might have the following roles within their organization:


The following roles are examples. You can create roles as needed for your organization.
  • User administrator—A user administrator manages users, roles, and rights.
  • System administrator—A system administrator manages system configuration options, including supported locales, collaboration note types and task types, and custom properties.
  • Catalog administrator—A catalog administrator manages the study object catalog and user catalog by creating keywords and categories.