Conversion calculations defined in the units file

Conversion calculations are defined in UnitConversion objects, which are child objects of the UnitConversionMap object. From and To attributes of the UnitConversion object match the Name attribute of the Unit object.

UnitConversion From attribute UnitConversion To attribute UnitConversion value
Length conversion - -
in cm (value) * 2.54
in meter (value) * 0.0254
in km (value) * 2.54 / 100000
in mm (value) * 25.4
in foot (value) / 12
foot in (value) * 12
cm in (value) / 2.54
cm meter (value) / 100
cm km (value) / 100000
cm mm (value) * 10
cm foot (value) / 2.54 / 12
foot meter (value) * .3048
meter foot (value) * 3.2808
mm cm (value) / 10
mm in (value) / 25.4
Temperature conversions - -
Cent Fahren ({value} * 9/5) + 32
Fahren Cent ({value} - 32) * 5 / 9
Weight conversions - -
Pounds Kilogram (value) * 0.454
Kilogram Pounds (value) * 2.20
Ounce Gram (value) * 28.35
Gram Ounce (value) / 28.35