Copying a user

A user created by copying an existing user has the same role assignments and language fluency skills as the original user, but the new user does not have the same personal information and has an inactive status. You must provide a new user name and password for the new user. After you copy a user, you can modify the information of the new user.

Consider copying a user if you need to create multiple users who will perform the same kinds of activities as an existing user.

  1. Click the Users button.
  2. Right-click in the Users view, and select Copy User, or press Ctrl+C.

    The Copy User dialog box appears.

  3. Fill in the fields in the dialog box, and click OK.

    The new user appears in the Users list, and the user properties appear in the workspace. The yellow status icon indicates that the user is inactive.

Create User and Copy User dialog boxes - Field descriptions

Field Description

User Name

Name that is entered in the User Name field when a user is created. The User Name is used to log on to the Central Designer or Central Designer Administrator application. This field is searched when you search for a user in the Central Designer Administrator application.


You cannot modify a user name after the user has been created.

Display Name

User name that appears in the title bar in the Central Designer application. The Display Name field is searched when you search for a user in the Users Browser in the Central Designer application.


User password for logging on.

Confirm Password

User password, repeated for confirmation purposes.