Creating and deleting a keyword

Keyword names must be unique. Keywords are also case sensitive—for example, radiotherapy and Radiotherapy are considered unique keywords.


If you delete a keyword that is used to categorize a study object or user, the study object and user are no longer searchable by the keyword.


You cannot modify or delete a user keyword.

To create a keyword in a catalog:

  1. Click the Catalog button.
  2. In the Catalog section, click one of the following links:
    • Study Objects—The Study Objects Catalog workspace appears.
    • Users—The Users Catalog workspace appears.
  3. In the Click here to search or create a new Keyword field, type a keyword, and press Enter.


    Right-click the Keywords list, and select Add, or press Ctrl+N . In the dialog box that appears, type a keyword, and press Enter.

    The keyword is added to the list for the selected catalog.

  4. Click Save.

To delete a keyword:

  1. Click the Catalog button.
  2. In the Catalog section, click one of the following links:
    • Study Objects—The Study Objects Catalog workspace appears.
    • Users—The Users Catalog workspace appears.
  3. In the Keywords list, select a keyword, and press Delete .


    In the Keywords list, right-click a keyword, and select Delete.

  4. Click Save.