Default users

Archiveimporter user

The archiveimporter user is created during installation. When study objects in an archive file refer to a user with a database internal identifier that does not exist in the target database, then archiveimporter is inserted for the user's name in the audit trail. For example, if the user JohnSmith with identifier 1234 modified a study object in the archive, but only JohnSmith with identifier 5678 appears in the target database, the audit trail lists archiveimporter in place of JohnSmith after the archive is imported.

By default, the archiveimporter user has no rights. The password for this user is the same password as the one you select for the system user during the Central Designer installation.

Note: Oracle recommends that you do not terminate this user.

System user

After your initial installation, log on using the system user account, the initial administrator account, and create user accounts. After you have added users, you can terminate or keep the system user account.

  • If you keep it, Oracle recommends associating it with a person in your organization for auditing purposes.
  • If you terminate it, first create another user account with the Perform all activities in all studies and libraries ("super-user") right, which is available for application scope roles. At least one user should always have this right assigned.