Importing and overwriting dictionary metadata

If a dictionary metadata update is implemented in the Oracle Central Coding application, you will need to update dictionary metadata items in the Oracle Central Designer application. Oracle will provide you with an XML file that you must import to continue using and creating coding maps in the Oracle Central Designer application.


Do not import an XML file unless specifically directed by Oracle, or your coding maps will become invalid.
  1. Select System Config.
  2. In the Coding section, click the Dictionary Metadata link.

    The Coding Dictionaries Metadata workspace appears.

  3. Click Import.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  4. Navigate to the location of the dictionary metadata XML file, select it, and click Open.

    If existing coding maps reference a dictionary metadata item that will be removed as a result of the import, a dialog box appears to alert you of the changes.

    If no dictionary metadata items will be removed as a result of the import, or if the dictionary metadata items that will be removed are not used, the import begins immediately.

    The import might take a few moments. After the import is complete, you receive a message that the import is finished.