Logging on and off

To log on:
  1. Using Internet Explorer, navigate to the following address:

    http://<server name /CentralDesignerInstall

    In the previous address, <server name> is the name of the application server computer.

  2. Click the Start Central Designer Administrator link.

    A dialog box appears, indicating that the application is starting.

    The logon window appears.

  3. Type your User name and Password.


    When an account is created in the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application, the administrator can select an option that requires the user to change their password the next time they log on. You might be prompted to change your password.
  4. If the web browser connects to the network through a proxy server that requires authentication, click Proxy Settings to enter the user name, the password, and the domain used to authenticate the connection to the proxy server.
  5. Click Log On.

    The Central Designer Administrator application opens.

To log off and log on as a different user:
  1. Select File > Log On as a Different User.

    You are logged off from the application, and the logon window appears.

  2. Type the new User name and Password, and click Log On.

    The Oracle Central Designer Administrator application opens with the Users workspace selected.

To log off:
  • Select File > Exit.

    If you have unsaved changes, you are prompted to save them.

    You are logged off, and the Oracle Central Designer Administrator application closes.