Statuses of users

Every Central Designer and Central Designer Administrator user is listed in the Users list (located in the Users view, to the left of the Users workspace). User status is represented by an icon.

User status descriptions and icons

User status Description Icon

Active users can log on to and use the Central Designer and Central Designer Administrator applications.

You can deactivate or terminate an active user.

Green circle

Inactive users cannot log on to either the Central Designer or Central Designer Administrator application.

You can activate or terminate an inactive user.

Yellow circle

Terminated users cannot log on to either the Central Designer or Central Designer Administrator application.

A terminated user can never be activated or deactivated.

If you terminate a user account, you can never use the account again. If you need to use a terminated account, copy and paste the terminated account, and give the account a different name.

Red circle

Locked users cannot log on to either the Central Designer or Central Designer Administrator application.

A locked user account or system user account is unlocked after the amount of time configured in the System lockout timeout or User lockout timeout settings. You can activate or deactivate a locked user account.


Note: Users can log on only when they have the required rights that allow them to log on.