Check for multiple different death dates or patient autopsy completed codes

If multiple death dates are entered into Oracle InForm for one subject, it is possible that the wrong death date could be sent to Oracle Argus Safety. If collected multiple times, make sure death dates for the subject are the same across fields to avoid errors, since only one of these fields will be mapped to the data series and, thus, sent to Oracle Argus Safety. This applies to autopsy date as well.

Item Description
When to use If your study includes the death or autopsy date in multiple places, check to make sure that the dates match.
Purpose This rule checks for the entry of multiple different death dates or patient autopsy completed codes. If a user mistakenly enters different death dates or patient autopsy completed codes on multiple instances, incorrect data might be transmitted to Oracle Argus Safety.
Triggering controls Date of death and/or patient autopsy completed codes, depending on what you are looking for.
Action when rule is triggered This is a Constraint rule that issues a query.
Rule expression

The example below checks for the entry of multiple different death dates AND patient autopsy completed codes.

evaluate on Form Submission
value = /Fire a query if Date of Death on eSAE form (flat section) doesn't match Date of Death captured in DISP (Disposition Follow-up) OR DISPLTFU (Disposition Long Term Follow-up) visits*/
!this.evtVISLOGS.eSAE.Current().sctSAE001_01.cmpDeath.SAEAEDTHDTC.Empty &&
!this.evtDISP.DS006_3.sctDS006_3_01.DSSTDAT_5.Empty ||
!this.evtDISPLTFU.DS006_4.sctDS006_4_01.DSSTDAT_5.Empty) &&
(Functions._GetDateDifference(this.evtDISP.DS006_3.sctDS006_3_01.DSSTDAT_5.Value,this.evtVISLOGS.eSAE.Current().sctSAE001_01.cmpDeath.SAEAEDTHDTC.Value,Constants.DateTimeParts.Days)!= 0) ||
(Functions._GetDateDifference(this.evtDISPLTFU.DS006_4.sctDS006_4_01.DSSTDAT_5.Value,this.evtVISLOGS.eSAE.Current().sctSAE001_01.cmpDeath.SAEAEDTHDTC.Value,Constants.DateTimeParts.Days)!= 0) ? true : false
when value is true
          issue query on
this.evtVISLOGS.eSAE.Current().sctSAE001_01.cmpDeath.SAEAEDTHDTC: Sample Query