Create a data series

A data series is a grouping of items with the same clinical meaning, such as items that measure weight. You can add items to a data series. These items can appear on multiple forms and study events. The only place to create a data series is in a data set.


In CDD and CIS data mappings, the order in which you add data series to a data set determines the order of items in the CDD or Clintrial target table.


You cannot change the order after a data series is added to a data set except by modifying the Item Order property in the Clintrial Design module after the data mappings are synchronized to the Clintrial application.
  1. At the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Data Mappings (Data mappings button icon) button.
  2. Expand a data mapping folder, right-click a data mapping, and select New Data Series.
  3. Fill in the fields. Title and RefName are required. Description and Alias are optional.
    If specified, the alias is used as the column name in the customer-defined database (CDD) or as the Clintrial item name in CIS mappings. If not, the RefName is used as the column header. Because RefNames must be unique throughout a study, you must create an alias if the RefName is used by a study object. Data series aliases must be unique within a data set.
  4. From the Type drop-down list, select the data type for the series.
    The data types of an item and data series must be compatible for you to add the item to the data series.
  5. Click OK.
  6. If the data series is in a CDD or CIS data mapping, in the Properties Browser, set the values of the appropriate CDD or CIS custom properties.
You now can add one or more items to the data series.

For more information, see: