Define Test Values for Repeating Instances dialog box—Option descriptions

When an item is on a repeating section, form, or study event, you must provide test values for all of the instances of the item.

Option Description
Buttons -
Add Repeating Instance Add an instance of the selected repeating study object to create test cases for each instance.
Copy Repeating Instance Adds an instance with the value of the selected instance.
Remove Repeating Instance Delete the selected instance.


When you add, copy, or delete instances, the indexing of the repeating instances is reordered. For example, if you delete the second of four instances, the third instance becomes the second and the fourth becomes the third. Adding an instance increases all subsequent instance numbers.
Sections -
Selected Item tree Tree that contains the study objects in the rule. Use the buttons to create or remove instances.


You can create instances only for repeating study objects, which appear in the Repeating Items list.
Grid Path and value of items that are on repeating study objects. Provide a testing value in the Item Value field.
Repeating Items list List of all items in the rule that are children of repeating study objects. Select an item to provide its test values in the grid.
Rule Details tab Text representation and description of the rule.
Item Properties tab Properties for the test name, item, or expected result that you point to in the grid.
Form Preview tab Preview of the form on which the repeating item exists.