Deployment Wizard for Oracle InForm deployment

Page Option Description
Welcome - Introduction page.
Connecting to Oracle InForm - Connect to the Oracle InForm application and requests server and study information.
- Message section Informational and error messages.
- Reconnect Reconnect to the Oracle InForm application after correcting any error conditions.
Oracle InForm Trial Parameters - Specify information about the Oracle InForm application server and study to which to deploy the package. If either the server or the study does not already exist, subsequent pages collect additional information needed to create them.
- Server Name Name of the Oracle InForm application server.
- Trial Name Name of the Oracle InForm study.
- Strict Mode

If selected (default)—Only complete MedML definitions of study components can be loaded into the study; an incomplete definition causes the installation to fail.

If not selected—Incomplete study component definitions are permitted.

Create a New Oracle InForm Server - Specify whether the Oracle InForm server should start automatically when the Oracle InForm Service starts. This page appears if the specified Oracle InForm server does not yet exist.
- Startup Server Automatically on Oracle InForm Startup

If selected—The Oracle InForm server starts automatically when the InForm Service starts.

If not selected—The Oracle InForm server must be started manually.

Create a New Oracle InForm Trial - Specify information needed to create the study. This page appears if the specified Oracle InForm study does not yet exist.
- User Name Oracle user name for the study database.
- User Password Oracle password for the study database.
- Please specify a database for creating a new Oracle InForm study One of the following:
  • Connect String—Connection string for the Oracle instance.
  • TriDSN—ODBC System DSN for the Oracle InForm study.
- Startup Trial Automatically on Oracle InForm Startup

If selected—The Oracle InForm study starts automatically when the Oracle InForm Service starts.

If not selected—The Oracle InForm study must be started manually.

Ready for Deployment - View a summary of the parameters that will be used for deployment.
Deployment Results - View messages generated during deployment processing, along with the elapsed time. These messages are also collected in the StudyInstaller.log file in the directory where you execute the deployment package.