Edit a task or collaboration note

You can edit the text of collaboration notes and tasks, and you can remove attachments from collaboration notes.

To edit the text of a task:

  1. In the Project Explorer, select a study object (study design, study element, study event, form, section, item, codelist, codelist item, mapping, data set, or data series).
  2. Click the Tasks tab, which appears at the bottom by default, and click Edit in the toolbar.


    If you don't see the Tasks tab, at the top left of the page, select View, and make sure Tasks is selected.
  3. Select a task.
  4. Edit the task as necessary, and click OK.

To edit the text of a collaboration note:

  1. In the Project Explorer, select a study object (study design, study element, study event, form, section, item, codelist, codelist item, mapping, data set, or data series).
  2. On the Collaboration Notes tab, which appears at the bottom by default, and click Edit.


    If you don't see the Collaboration Notes tab, at the top left of the page, select View, and make sure Collaboration Notes is selected.
  3. Select a collaboration note.
  4. Edit the collaboration note as necessary, and click OK.

To remove an attachment from a collaboration note:

  1. In the Project Explorer, select a study object (study design, study element, study event, form, section, item, codelist, codelist item, mapping, data set, or data series).
  2. On the Collaboration Notes tab, which appears at the bottom by default, and click Edit.


    If you don't see the Collaboration Notes tab, at the top left of the page, select View, and make sure Collaboration Notes is selected.
  3. Click the Attachments button (a paperclip icon).
  4. Select the file you want to remove and click Remove.
  5. Click OK.

Collaboration Note Editor dialog box - Option descriptions

Option Description
Fields -
Study (READ-ONLY.) Study with the study object to which the collaboration note is attached.
Object Name (READ-ONLY.) Study object to which the collaboration note is attached.
Object Type (READ-ONLY.) Type of study object to which you are attaching the collaboration note, such as a form or study event.
Note Type (REQUIRED.) Type of the collaboration note. An administrator defines collaboration note types in the Central Designer Administrator application.
Author (READ-ONLY.) User who created the collaboration note.
Instructions text field Text for the collaboration note.


Use the buttons on the toolbar to add an attachment and format the text.

Task Editor dialog box - Option descriptions

The second tab that appears in the Task Editor dialog box depends on the type of task that is selected. For standard tasks, the dialog box has an Instructions tab, and for translation tasks, the dialog box has an Assignment tab.

Option Description
Top toolbar -

Accept, Complete,

Close, Reopen,


Accept, complete, close, reopen, and unaccept a task.
Top section -
Study (READ-ONLY) Study with the study object to which the task is attached.
Object Name (READ-ONLY) Study object to which the task is attached.
Object Type (READ-ONLY) Type of study object on which the task was created.
Created (READ-ONLY) Date and time the task was created.
Requested By (READ-ONLY) User who created the task.
Status (READ-ONLY) Status of the task (Open, Accepted, Completed, or Closed).
Task Type (REQUIRED.) Type of the task. An administrator defines task types in the Central Designer Administrator application.
Priority (REQUIRED.) Priority of the task. Options are Critical, High, Medium, and Low.

(REQUIRED.) Deadline for when the task must be completed.

Default value—Current date and time.

Owner (READ-ONLY) Person or team to which the task is assigned.
Completed By (READ-ONLY) User who completed the task.
Completed Date (READ-ONLY) Date and time the task was completed.

Instructions tab

(Appears for standard tasks only)

Instructions text field Text for the task.

Assignment tab

(Appears for translation tasks only)

[List of roles] List of roles to which the task can be assigned. If an administrator specified a default role to which the task type is assigned, the role is selected.


Use the buttons on the toolbar to add an attachment and format the text.