Example of data mappings for rule creation

The following sample data mappings can be used for rule creation.

Data mapping Data set Data series Items Sample rule expressions


(Single data point in data mapping)

BMI Weight
  • Weight item always part of the data series.
  • Weight item appears on only one form.
BMI.Weight.Value / Math.Pow(BMI.Height.Value, 2)
- - Height
  • Height item always part of the data series.
  • Height item appears on only one form.


(Multiple data points in data mapping)

BMI Weight
  • Weight item always part of the data series.
  • Weight item appears on multiple forms, so you must specify which value to use in the rule expression.

BMI.StudyEvent(StudyEvents.Visit1).Weight.Values[0] / Math.Pow(BMI.Height.Value, 2)

BMI.StudyEvent(StudyEvents.FinalVisit).Weight.Values[0] / Math.Pow(BMI.Height.Value, 2)

- - Height
  • Height item always part of the data series.
  • Height item appears on only one form.


  • Math.Pow computes the power of a value. You can also define functions for calculating a squared value.
  • As with any calculation rule, in data mapping rules you should check for empty values and for division by zero.