Export a study or library

  1. In a study, at the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Study Information (study information button) button.


    In a library, at the bottom of the Project Explorer, click the Library Information (library information icon) button.

  2. In the Project Explorer, right-click the study or library from which you want to export study objects, and select Export Study.
  3. Click Next to start the Oracle Central Designer Export Wizard.
  4. Complete the pages of the Oracle Central Designer Export Wizard. Click Next when you finish filling out each page.
  5. On the final page of the Oracle Central Designer Export Wizard, click Finish.

    An export file is created in the location you specified in the wizard.


    • If errors result when you export to the ODM format, a dialog box containing the errors appears.
    • If an error appears and indicates that an element has incomplete content, you can ignore the error.

Table 4-3 Export Wizard options

Page Option Description
Welcome - Introduction page.
Export Type - Select the output format and export type.
- Data Type

CSML—Export in Clinical Study Markup Language format.

ODM—Export in Operational Data Model-compliant format. The Oracle Central Designer application supports the ODM 1.3 standard.

Administration data—Export only study administration data for the User Management Tool application.

- Export Type Local—Export to the computer where the Oracle Central Designer application is installed.
Export File Path Export Directory Specify the path name and file in which to save the export file, or click Browse to browse for the path name and file in which to save the export file.
Ready to Export Central Designer Data - View a summary of the parameters that will be used for the export.